Thursday, May 21, 2009


I have always been very interested in myself--understanding who I am, examining my physical and mental make-up thoroughly, and being my harshest critic. But it has always been on my terms.

Lately, I have been challenged to see myself through someone else's eyes, and it has been incredibly enlightening (and entirely frightening). I can assure you there is nothing harder in this world than truly listening...not hearing, perceptions about youself, some of which may not be favorable. The hard part is not only hearing it, but not reacting--putting down your defenses so that you can internalize with an objective ear.

The most surprising aspect of this experience has been that while at times I may not agree, more often I do. I have discovered these perceptions shared are things I have never liked about myself, but have been positioned in a different way. This, in turn, makes it easier to see the issue for what it is and change it. Yes, change. We all do. Sometimes subsconciously, sometimes willingly. The latter is in an incredible experience--to consciously have the power to change something about yourself you don't like. It's a small step to utlimately embracing that "life is what you make it." That, my friends, is limitless.

It has also become much easier to listen and have this kind of open and honest dialogue.

What do I like best about this period of self-discovery? That I'm going through it with someone else, who has listened and learned just as much as I have--and it is one the purest, most beautiful things I have experienced in life, even in the midst of difficulty and uncertainty.


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