Friday, March 13, 2009


Hells yes. I worked from home today because it's Friday; and because I had a 30-page scope document to read very closely and edit as necessary. My head hurts.

Because I am #2 (driven, not shit) I stuck to my plan of using my lunch hour to work out despite the raging headache--might I add I have that headache because I should technically be wearing glasses that have been sitting at the eye doc-in-a-box for over two months.

I'm doing home work outs these days--no more gym payments. So I have downloaded a ton of yoga and ultimate sculpting Exercise TV episodes. Still cheaper than a gym membership.

Anyhoo---got into them, knowing they would kick my ass as they have for the past week and decided I just wasn't feeling it. Instead, knowing I didn't want to dissappoint myself, I pulled the party mix off of iTunes and proceeded to dance around my living room for 40 minutes. Yep. Sure did. Singing, dancing, like a cat trapped in a bag.

At first it was a little embarrasing with the dog watching and all. Then I remembered...duh, you're a dancer (even if you are 15 years older than you used to be and not quite as rhythmically inclined). Own it, girl. So I did.

I'm going to start a grass-roots work out program with my very own random choreography to songs like SexyBack, Let the Beat Hit 'Em, Single Ladies, Closer...and so on.

I kicked my own ass today, but had so much fun doing it. Going to some basketball games tonight...that too technically counts as exercise.

1 comment:

  1. please please please post a video of the dancing.
